Tag Archive for: David Priemer

A Simple Hack to Transform Your Pitch Into One Customer Can’t Ignore!

There’s an all too common (and hidden) mistake I see salespeople…

To Win More Deals, Lead with Problems Not Solutions. Here’s Why.

In the modern marketplace, the average person sees roughly 5,000…

How To Sell More by Nailing the Buying Experience

People don’t love companies because of their physical products. They…

6 Critical Sales Skills I Learned from Being a Research Scientist

In my wildest dreams, I never imagined I'd end up in sales. You…

The Tech You Need to Deliver Killer Virtual Presentations

When the pandemic hit, my entire sales training and coaching…

Running Into the Same Objections Over And Over Again? Try this Tactic!

In sales, customer objections are a fact of life. But running…

5 Tips for Building a Sales Culture Optimized for Growth

When I was a VP at Salesforce, one of my sales managers came…

What Having Cancer Taught Me About Sales

As we've all learned over the past few years, with adversity…

Your Sales Narrative For Times of Uncertainty

Despite dealing with economic and geopolitical curveballs for…

The Secret to Selling More? Just Be Human

Have you ever been completely put off by the rep on the other…

How to Create a Sense of Urgency in the Mind of Your Customer

Having a good ROI is not enough to win your customer's business! One…

The Best Open-Ended Discovery Question

When it comes to running high-impact sales discovery, one of…

5 Strategies for Leading Sales Teams Through Times of Uncertainty

Since March 2020, the world has been in a state of constant change…

5 Tips for Talking About Your Competition

"How should I talk about my competition to customers and prospects?" A…
giving concessions slowly

3 Ways to Negotiate Better By Giving In Slowly

One of the most important concepts in negotiation has to do with…

Don’t Fall Into These 3 Discovery Question Traps!

Good salespeople know that the quality of your discovery motion…

Persuade Your Customers by Labeling Them

Some of the greatest sales lessons of the pandemic era came from…

How to Get Customers to Answer Your Toughest Discovery Questions

"How much money do you make?" "What's your home phone number?" "How…

6 Lessons Learned from Pandemic Selling

Adversity is fertile ground for learning. And if learning…

3 Objection-Handling Lessons from Pandemic Politics

  “How do you justify forcing small businesses to close…

Convert Buyers by Unleashing their Hidden Enemies

When it comes to high-impact messages that break through your…