Tag Archive for: messaging

A Simple Hack to Transform Your Pitch Into One Customer Can’t Ignore!

There’s an all too common (and hidden) mistake I see salespeople…

To Win More Deals, Lead with Problems Not Solutions. Here’s Why.

In the modern marketplace, the average person sees roughly 5,000…

3 Powerful Ways to Lead Your Customer Through the Buying Process

In part one of this post, I shared research on how modern sales…

Stop Selling and Start Telling: The Power of Prescription

One of the biggest misconceptions sellers have is that customers…

Convert Buyers by Unleashing their Hidden Enemies

When it comes to high-impact messages that break through your…
Provocative Questions

How to Pitch Using Questions

What’s your favorite movie? Chances are when you read that…
business case

Here’s Why Your Business Case Numbers Are Falling Flat

What if I told you I had a vaccine for a potentially deadly virus.…

Salespeople: Don’t Confuse Value with ROI

Nestled inside the Paris hotel on the Las Vegas strip is Le Burger…

The Hidden Force Accidentally Driving Your Prospects Away

You're walking around the mall when something you remembered…

Three principles scientifically proven to help your message break through your customer’s armor

“What does your company do?” Such a simple question, yet…

Target Your Message with this Amazingly Simple Technique

In a previous post, I talked about how sellers (and marketers)…

Want to sell someone a band-aid? ‘Cut’ them first

If you want to sell a band-aid, there are two main ways to go…

Why Your Solution Will be Adored or Ignored: Understanding the Attention-Value Matrix

I’ve always loved studying the various approaches, formulae,…

Salespeople: Here’s How to Get Prospects to Pay Attention to Your Outreach

This article is the second in a two-part series. Read David’s…

Salespeople: Here’s Why Prospects Ignore Your Outreach

This article is the first in a two-part series. Read David's…

How You’re Messing Up the Easiest Part of Your Sales Playbook

“I’m not sure. Something with computers?” This was the…

The Future Of Sales Is Advocacy

“Who HATES IT when another human being calls them on the phone?” This…

The One Sales Skill You Need to Build Pipeline (and How to Get It)

A number of years ago I was part of a sales leadership…

3 Killer Tips for Crafting a Customer-Centric Sales Pitch

Sales is a strange profession. On one hand, the role of a sales…

3 Jedi Mind Tricks Guaranteed to Boost Your Sales Efforts

Think back to the last time you stayed in a hotel. Did you notice…

Use This Secret Infomercial Formula to Supercharge Your Product Pitch

Infomercials are fascinating because, in just two minutes, they…